This Love/ <3

Sunday, June 15, 2008
today's sunday
i should be going over t church later with jeremy and his mom and tutor
talked to jenny yesterday and the songs she sent me were awesome
很有感觉 i like (:
weather has been nasty yet it still feels good to be seeing the sky so blue sometimes
i feel like playing badminton, hehe i'll ask next week
& i just saw this flying crawling thing outside my window. i'm-freaking-out
but thank god it flew away (:
anyhow, 最近好像发生了很多事 让我感触还蛮多的
开心也好 不开心的也好。 都让我在了解的过程中成长 ^-^

been reading this book "turning point" by vaughan roberts
very meaningful, something about realising the meaning and purpose of life.
like how people are never satisfied. how people feel empty and stuffs like that..
it all comes down to their "spiritual thirst"

its lunch time!
wil update more tonight !


my boyfriend threw some pepper into the cup of water & said...
"here dear, drink some water...."

anyhows it was zoo with the girls, sit rae sq + jw
it was hot, crowded but nonetheless fun (!)
then theory lesson
hoooome ♥

love you all
i'm gonna get some reading done today .

i miss u jenieh`


i've abandoned this blog for like almost a year
hehe, but cause jenny can't read my xanga i shall try to update here too so that at least we know whats going on with our lives.

<3 anyway, its really an awesome feeling catching up with someone that you missed dearly
& of course ly, i really hope you're fine and get back to being your happy self. i'll meeet up with you again really soon

yiqing ^-^

Sureeporn Ho YiQing♥
i love the music & the SUN, omgosh! BEACH!
" Dear god, please make this world a happier place. Amen"
cause you are special, everyone is special, everyone in his or her own way :D
i'll love all who loves me too! :D

p/s : i love you(s)

